Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Our camera is in the shop again. It generally lasts about a month before refusing to focus, turn on, or do anything at all worthwhile. We can never figure out why but thankfully it is alway still under warrrenty because we have to replace it every month. Unfortunately, that means I don't get to post pictures of my St. Valentine's flowers, or the yurt windows - half buried in snow.

This picture is from Christmas. It's a relic we've been holding onto, and had become accustomed to referring to as The Unknown Saint, because paperwork is so faded and the label on the relic itself was confusing. We've recently discovered that (as I'd hoped) it's St. Patrick! We're so happy to now be able to refer to him personally as he chums with St. Anthony and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton on our altar. I'm sure he appreciates the change as well.

We're blessed to have collected all these "family relics" - our little house, and I'm certain the whole property, is under their watchful eyes. St. Anthony is especially helpful, as I'm constantly loosing earrings in the woods. I put the remaining earring on the altar and a few weeks later, the lost earring is discovered - usually in a drawer or tucked away on a shelf.

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