Monday, February 11, 2013

MORE snow!? Really, Lord..I think one storm a week is enough.

I don’t think this will turn into a proper storm, at least, I hope it doesn’t..but at the moment snow is falling fast. Our two remaining (so far as I know) chickens are pecking at the door, refusing to take refuge either in their coop or under the house. They look miserable. The dome is darkening and I’ve said a prayer or two that Seth will not work a full day.

Apart from that I can do nothing. Petka and her dog are napping, the dishes are clean, the house is all in order, and I’ve sanded the head of the road to give some traction on top of the ice and under the snow.

Time for tea and a book. Or should I write? Or maybe, I should get to work sewing those aprons?..Or else, since it is carnival..maybe I’ll make some cocoa and chill on pinterest.


  1. Hi Masha,
    I'd be very interested in following you on Pinterest since I love your aesthetic, but since the blogging world is the only social media connection we have, I don't know how to go about finding you on there.
    I am donnarosemary on there if you'd like to find me, or, if you don't mind me following you there you could leave your username or however it works here. :) Just thought I'd ask--stay warm as the snow falls!

  2. I've just followed you!

    I'm Masha Goepel..(emasha) on pinterest. I wonder if I could like the blog with it..but I'm actually not terrible good at online-skills!

    Thanks!! :)
