Monday, July 15, 2013


Today I am..
Feeling..dark..It's night-time as I write this and my week has matched the sky above me now. Praying for light, for meaningful crows on the lawn outside my neighbor's house, and for peace. lanterns dancing all around me. Like little flickering holy spirits of warmth and light.
Smelling..tea and sweaty little girl..Yarrow's been running naked and free all day outside. tea and arugula salad..a late dinner.
Listening.. to the cd a friend sent me yesterday, exactly the music I needed.
Grateful...for my husband, my parents, my dear-loving friends, Yarrow's sweetness, and Luba's insanity.
Reading.. Boundaries by Dr.s Cloud and Townsend..recommended by good friends, it's teaching me so much about myself and what I need, and how to love others well.
Loving..the sunshine we had all weekend. The Firefly series, and quiet days at home.
Hoping.. for so many things! And that my August retreat is everything I hope it will be!


  1. Feeling..dark..It's night-time as I write this and my week has matched the sky above me now.

    And I'm praying for stars and a bright moon and a beautiful sunrise, and for your crows and peace, too.

  2. Thanks! My crows are gathering, so..good things to come?! :)
