Monday, January 27, 2014


Feeling..tired, but happy. Our warmest day of recent memory is grey, snowy, and though the weather men promise we'll see 40 degrees, I'm doubtful. The temperature hasn't moved since 7 am (19 degrees, still warmer than expected). I'm running errands today: getting groceries, depositing checks ( check anyway), paying bills, and picking up packages. I'm also trying to catch up on long-neglected blogging. It's a busy day! fellow cafe-sitters, sipping their coffees, discussing vegetarian options, and worrying about the weather. Yarrow is trying to steal my money, the free-shuttle just drove buy outside, just missing my poor car and ducking past a red-light just in time.  
Smelling.. coffee and bacon. The cafe is always cooking bacon. ALWAYS. I don't want bacon, I have too much of my own, but the scent is causing some discussion at the vegetarian table..they want to know why this cafe can't stop cooking bacon. But I know, I used to work here, the owner is trying to draw in customers and whet appetites - she will never stop cooking bacon. Never.

Tasting..a latte, and that sort of half-taste of bacon that always happens when the scent is too strong and too consistent. It's one reason I never come here during Lent.
Frost on the window

 Listening.. to the cafe playlist: Janie's Got a Gun is a little harsh for the morning, but it was better than the elevator music on now - at least I have conversations all around me to distract, and Yarrow's running commentary on the day: "And then, and then 'we'll be counting stars' and then, and then 'this is my kingdom COME!' And then, daddy at work, and then.."

 Grateful... for a break in the cold. This is a bitter winter, and it's exhausting.

Reading.. Crafting a Rule of Life. A guide to forming a personal 'rule' of life inspired by, but not bound to the Benedictine Rule..It's not bad.

Loving..the sense of focus I'm trying to cultivate, and the pretty Moroccan lamps I've found to hang around the altar.

Hoping..for a reasonably warm day or two - I need to bake, and to clean out the kitchen, but I can't bring myself to do it when the wind-chill has us in the negatives, and today I'm not at home enough.

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