Monday, April 14, 2014

Today - Monday of Holy Week

Feeling.. Ready. Easter is on the way! We made it to confession on Saturday, thank goodness, and I should have the kitchen put reasonably back together by Friday for baking. If anyone knows of Siamese or other low-allergic kittens for very little money, tell me! I want to get a couple around Easter, and it would be adorable for Yarrow to have them greeting him Easter morning, wouldn't it! If I can find very hypo-allergenic, it'd be nice to get three. I could name them Saint Casimir (after my favorite cat of all time), Boris, and Gleb.. if not, I'll work something else out. I'm hopeful though, you've no idea how much of our snow melted this weekend. I am blessed.
 Smelling.Clary Sage, grapefruit, and Murphy's Oil Soap, spring cleaning has begun in earnest! I scrubbed the dome yesterday, and the rafters, today I'm moving the bed and purging beneath it..I'm hoping to dump 80% of what's under there..and seeing as I've not idea what that might be, there's a decent chance I won't miss anything! tea..I've been toying with the idea of giving up coffee for holy-week, but I think Seth would kill me, and Yarrow would give me that look everyday, and tell me "you are so so crabby. Are you not crabby? Mama is so crabby!" I always feel judged..she says it with the one raised eyebrow then turns to explain me to Luba, "it's ok Ba-ba, mama is just crabby." might be required.
They're united against me..
Listening.. to Yarrow sing from Once More with Feeling (yes. we bought the soundtrack)..mainly 'pike's song, but Giles' song is popular too, and the parking ticket song. She's as addicted as Seth and I...I'm going to have to cut us off for the Triduum..

Grateful... for Holy Week, for Easter, and for everything that goes along with it! I can't believe we're here already, and at the same time, it's been a long Lent.

Reading.. Why Buffy Matters (don't judge me! It's really interesting!)..but it's time to switch to something that fits the season..any thoughts before I fall right back into Rilke?
Loving..The warm nights, warmer days, candle-making, spring-cleaning, dish-gluing, re-painting, spring-planning..playing 'football' and 'basketball' with in general.

 Hoping..for a lovely spring.
Working on..sainthood. If I can get to my domestic-goddess goal, I could be the patron of women who are amazing at life..but right now it looks more like I'll be the patron of lushes and women who's toe-nail polish is forever chipped.. all the same, do you see that bed? turning down the covers instead of making the bed is ideal for the first half of the day! It's easier, it looks so pretty, and it sort of airs out the bed. Also, dogs and eager children can play without ruining the overall effect!

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