Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Today I am..

Feeling..stranded..just a little bit. I don't have a phone anymore. Mine was fine, until sometime Sunday night. I set it on the dresser to sleep, and it never woke up. It won't charge or turn on, or anything. So I took it in and was given very little in the way of support, but the phone is off to repairs, and I'm without it and all the numbers it held. Which is a pr0blem, since I have to call the Livestock hauling guy to tell him the pigs' death-day has changed from early October to late. But his number is only in my dead phone. Silly me, relying on technology.
Seeing..the condensation that covers every window on cool mornings. It makes everything seem a little dreary, and a whole lot Autumn. But I've got a big pot of tea on, and a warm little bottom on my knee, so I'll just cozy on through this part of the day.

Smelling.. autumn wind, woodsmoke, detox tea, and the spicy, flea-killing blend of oils (clover for sure!) in Luba's new shampoo.
Tasting..homemade granola - with cinnamon, almonds and cranberries - and cottage cheese! If fits fall, doesn't it!
Listening.. to Yarrow chanting "type, type, type, type..Keep TYPING Mama!!" every time I slow down or think a bit. While I'm typing fast, she points to different areas of the screen "this is..no, this is..umm, no. This, No, no, no.." I'm raising an editor, apparently.
Grateful...for fresh laundry and dry days..and a working freezer to fill with all sorts of amazing things!
Reading.. Harry Potter, because I've gotten behind on the bookclub, and I really don't have much of an excuse!
Loving..the quiet of my road, the friendliness of neighbors, and the ideal running weather we've been blessed with recently!
Hoping..for a new phone soon, a clean house, and roasted chicken for dinner tonight - with what
soup?? I've committed to meals of soup, salad, main, and side at least this week - in part because I'm obsessed with soup, and in part because Seth is obsessed with many-dish meals..so far so good - I've done* pumpkin apple, and tomato-thai basil, I feel like a butternut squash soup would go well with roasted chicken, but I'm not sure if I have the time for it today. But Yarrow has a phone of her own, now, so maybe! I'm hopeful.

*thanks to my editor  for changing this from "don't" to "done". And he isn't actually "obsessed" with multiple dishes, he just has aesthetics.

1 comment:

  1. Your editor just kills me. I laughed so hard. ;)

    I love the phone! Didn't we all have one of those?! Also, I don't like granola or cottage cheese very much, but the combination of flavors you just listed sounds awesome...
