Monday, December 9, 2013


Today I am..

Feeling..Slow..and happy. The house is mostly clean, the lard is on the stove, Yarrow is napping, and Luba is is good. And I have the best Raw Jersey Cream in my have no idea how good coffee can be until you've had it with Raw Jersey Cream..I would drink it straight from the bottle..again..but then I wouldn't have enough left for another pot of coffee.
Seeing..the potential for stress on the horizon as Christmas creeps closer and closer..but then I pour more cream into my already-pale coffee and decide to just give out gifts of cream..or better yet, pictures of me drinking cream to everyone on my list. Easy, and I'll I have to do is drink! 
Smelling.. lard rendering..not the best smell..but it kind of overpowers everything right now..I think I'll end up with a piggy-smelling house all winter, there's so much more fat to process..I could do it all at once, but the stuff is a pain to cut up and my hand starts cramping after a few slabs. And I'm lazy..that too.

Tasting..a whole lot of Raw Jersey Cream and a little bit of really have no idea..I'm buying a jersey as soon as possible.

 Listening.. to Gotan Project..after a long absence..they're so cozy and they make Yarrow forget that she's crabby and just hum and dance around.

 Grateful...for lots of lard, for lots of wood, for Jersey cows and their Raw Cream, for coffee, for Advent, and for the amazing return policy of Lehman's - which made it so unbelievably easy for us to replace our defective wall-lamps with non-leaking ones!

Reading..I want to be reading this..but I don't have it, so here's to another round of St. George and the Dragon and Cars and Trucks and Things that Go with Yarrow..

Loving..the Theotokos..who's Immaculate Conception is celebrated today! ..and Raw Jersey Cream..but not in the same way at all!

Hoping..for rhythm..which has been lacking recently and a joyful, creative week!

Studying.. Jeremiah..and Meditations on the Tarot. Still..I'm actually re-reading and collecting notes on each of the letters in Meditations to reflect on in Cyganeria..because this book is absolutely delightful..and really, it fits so well with Advent and with Jeremiah!

Working on..  a whole mess of poems..and the only Christmas presents I've got any direction about..and a clean house (the never-ending battle)!


  1. send cream AND you drinking the cream...So...come to Italy!!!! :)

  2. Yay for 'Cars and Trucks and Things that Go!'

  3. Raw Jersey cream! It sounds amazing. I want some. I think Holstein's as close as I've ever gotten. :P

    Love the pictures!
