Monday, July 28, 2014

Today..Starting Fresh

Feeling.. worried. The ducks ran off again yesterday. I kept them penned up for a week after their last overnight in the woods, but I really wanted to give them the option to leave their pen and yard, let them wander in the gardens and eat all our slugs and just be adorable..But I haven't seen them at all since yesterday evening, so if they do come back, they're permanently locked up.

Seeing.. a clean house and a gray, damp, heavy sky through the dome. I can see one sunflower brightening the whole morning through the window on the door, and the pink lilies peeking in over the couch. I can see elderflowers, still in bloom beside the chicken coop, and cosmos marking the start of the front garden. I can not see any ducks.

Smelling.. damp, rainy greenness, roses from the altar, and bee-balm from Yarrow's bedside table bouquet.. Flowers are one of my favorites parts of summer!
Tasting.. cold chai tea with milk and Greek yogurt with nothing added to it. Yarrow beside me is sipping coffee with cream and I wonder if I'll regret skipping my morning coffee when she's had her's, but I just don't want any today.. These warm summer mornings fit better with cold chai.

Listening.. to Yarrow chatter...she's been the most talkative little girl recently. It's sort of 
excessive, really. She just can't seem to stop talking. Ever. My brain feel a little 
overwhelmed by all the words..especially this morning, when all I want to listen for is the 
sound of quacking and flat, duck-feet, flopping down the path. Wretched ducks.
Grateful... for a nice weekend at home with Seth and Yarrow, for pretty new sheets, for 
a restful few months of early summer, and now, for the motivation to really dive into this
season's work.

Hoping..Seth will get some time to finish all the side jobs he's got going, that we'll get to see him more when he's done, and that the ducks come home all together soon, so I can lock them up forever.

Reading..another round of Theology of the Body, a discussion with a friend has me thinking about a lot of things ( vague is that!), and looking over John Paul II work is clarifying..also, As You Like It (we just saw it performed in Portland).

Working on..getting my ducks back..we're off for a walk in the woods as soon as the drizzle's done, to hopefully scare them up. Catching up with friends, and weeding the gardens too.

What about you? How's life? I've missed blogging!

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