Monday, October 13, 2014

Today..starting over, again

Feeling... baby-kicks and wood-heat. It's a cold morning, but bright and clear! The house feels so cozy. I've cleaned up already. The floor is swept, but not washed, dishes are soaking on the stove, and Yarrow is fast asleep in the big bed. She hasn't quite settled back into a routine since her grandparents left last week, and nights especially have been full of her exhausted wiggling. Last night, none of us slept well. Luba paced the floor, Yarrow shifted and couldn't be comfortable, waking Seth to ask if she could wave goodbye to bushia i dziadzia, or to ask for food; Seth spent the night quieting her, and I dreamed of demons. But the morning is so fresh and clean. A new week! A new day! Yarrow began it by catching up on sleep, and I begin by returning again to my neglected blog.

Seeing.. a my beautiful new skirt hanging on the chair, the empty tea cup on my desk, and my plans for today - all laid out in a rediscovered journal. I spend most of my journaling planning for the next day; it's not at all reflective. I'd like to change that, but I'm not quite sure how.

Smelling.. chai tea, rosemary, cedarwood, and clary sage. Those last three are steaming away on the wood stove, making the whole house smell fresh and new. I sprinkle the oils in a little bowl with water, and as the water heats the scents fill the room, it's lovely!

Tasting.. nothing anymore. I've finished the tea. I'm feeling my lack of sleep now, maybe I should have napped with Yarrow instead of writing and cleaning..but it's too late now, if I try, she's sure to wake up as soon as I doze off..maybe I should make coffee instead.

Listening.. to the classical channel..Mozart was on just a minute ago, but I don't know this  piece at all. Usually, if this station comes in, it's chopped up with a country station, and peppered with intrusions from trucker CB radios. I can't listen at all without feeling frustrated. Today it's working perfectly and I've abandoned Catholic and Protestant talk radio to enjoy it.
Grateful... for an early morning rest, for clean house, for lots of firewood piled up in the 
driveway, and for all the blessings of life.

Hoping..I can find face-paint for this Friday, that Yarrow wakes up happier and more stable than she was when she fell asleep, that this week is calm and quiet and centered around the house. That Luba doesn't get sick from whatever it is she ate last night...

Reading..Psalms (otherwise known as 'The dancing book') and The Enduring Chill by Flannery O Connor...because it's just so fun!

Working on..balance..and it's a huge process! At least I've finally worked blogging in again, right??!! I also need to find a new camera.

How about you?? How's your day?

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